The world of technology is changing at an exponential rate. Keeping track of these changes is also another incredible task. Luckily, there are dedicated people out there that help us to keep track of these changes through the use of social media. We love our vloggers, bloggers and reviewers because they have proven very useful in providing information, thoughts or opinions on many issues or topics that we have no idea about sometimes but give great advice or suggestions through their posts.
Some of these vloggers/bloggers are so popular that they have been able to generate significant income on their platforms. Each time that a view visits their page and an advertisement is shown they get paid. They also generate income each time a visitor clicks on the advert and follows the link to the site. But the real benefit is derived from the viewers that get access to a wealth of information, how to videos, walkthroughs and opinions that you would have had to pay for normally.
So strong is the following now, that vendors have become best friends of these modern day rock stars. Vendors have sought out these persons to review their products and in so doing know that it is guaranteed to be seen by their followers on their channels and platforms. Vendors sometimes send their products to these persons to review, test, unbox and even try to break them for everyone to see most times before they are even released on the market. By doing this, it will influence person’s thoughts or opinions based on what the reviewer says, especially if they have earned the trust of the viewer over time. Other vendors pay the reviewers to try their products and others go as far as to tell them exactly what they would like to be said or what features to emphasize. But the reality is that vendors do a range and combination of things in order to get the desired results. But this is all possible because of how the industry has changed over the years.
This change, in particular, is what marketers refer to it as in insurgence of new media and it has become the platform on which more advertising is being done in recent times. New media is simply the newer, more modern forms that media take which include social media, websites, blogs, vlogs, etc. Advertisers love new media because of the reach, interactivity it offers plus best of all, it is way cheaper than traditional media!
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